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Joshua Gancher

I am a postdoc at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Bryan Parno. I obtained my PhD from Cornell University, co-advised by Elaine Shi and Greg Morrisett.

My research is about using techniques from formal methods and program verification to certify cryptographic implementations and proofs.

I will be joining Northeastern University as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2024.


WaveCert: Formal Compiler Validation for Asynchronous Dataflow Programs.
To appear at OOPSLA 2024.
Zhengyao Lin, Joshua Gancher, and Bryan Parno.
Secure Synthesis of Distributed Cryptographic Applications.
CSF 2024.
Coşku Acay, Josua Gancher, Rolph Recto, and Andrew Myers.
Owl: Compositional Verification of Security Protocols via an Information-Flow Type System.
IEEE S&P 2023.
Joshua Gancher, Sydney Gibson, Pratap Singh, Samvid Dharanikota, and Bryan Parno. Project link here.
A Core Calculus for Equational Proofs of Cryptographic Protocols.
POPL 2023.
Joshua Gancher, Kristina Sojakova, Xiong Fan, Elaine Shi, and Greg Morrisett. Project link here.
Viaduct: An Extensible, Optimizing Compiler for Secure Distributed Programs.
PLDI 2021.
Coşku Acay, Rolph Recto, Joshua Gancher, Andrew Myers, and Elaine Shi. Project link here.
Symbolic Proofs for Lattice-Based Cryptography.
CCS 2018.
Gilles Barthe, Xiong Fan, Joshua Gancher, Benjamin Grégoire, Charlie Jacomme and Elaine Shi.
Externally Verifiable Oblivious RAM.
PETS 2017.
Joshua Gancher, Adam Groce, and Alex Ledger.
