CS 7480: Special Topics in PL:
Formal Security for Cryptography
Final Project


Apart from paper reflections, you will be graded on a final project that relates to the course material. The choice of project is up to you; please ask me if you would like some suggestions.

Overview of Project

The project will consist of four stages: All written material will be submitted via Canvas.

Group Policy

Groups of up to two are permitted (but not required) for a single proposal, presentation and report. Check with me if you would like to involve more than two people in a particular collaboration.

Relevant Dates


Your grade for the final project will be according to the following rubric: 20% proposal; 10% check-in; 20% presentation; and 50% report.


The proposal should be a document that contains the following information: The most successful proposals will be well-scoped: something technically interesting, but that you can reasonably make progress on during the rest of the semester.

Be creative! Final projects are great places to test out small, wacky ideas that can grow into fleshed out research papers down the line.


The check-in will be a brief document (around one page) that:

Final Report

The final report will be a paper, in the style of a research paper, that presents your results. The main body should fit within six pages, but there is no page limit for references or appendices. Below is a suggested format for the paper:
  1. Abstract.
  2. Introduction. Explain the main problem you are trying to solve, its relevancy for the class / in the literature, and how you propose to solve the problem.
  3. Related work.
  4. Technical background content.
  5. Technical contribution.
  6. Conclusion and reflection. Describe future work, how the project went overall, and what you would have done differently (if anything).

If the final project has a coding component, the code artifact must be submitted along with the report (either as an attachment, or as a link to a repository).

Your final report will be graded along the following axes:
  1. Presentation. Is the writing and typesetting clear and easy to follow?
  2. Technical contribution. Is the work technically sound? If there are experiments, are the questions they are trying to answer clear, and do they answer these questions? If there are formal proofs, are these proofs correct? Are there holes in the technical development?
  3. Scholarship. Is appropriate related work discussed and correcty cited? If your work well-situated against prior work?


Each group will present their findings as outlined in their final report. You are heavily encouraged to use slides.

Special thanks to Steven Holtzen for assistance with the content for this page!