For each paper, please fill out detailed responses to the following questions, to the best of your ability. Responses will be due 11:59PM the day before the paper's corresponding class. 1. At a high level, what problem is this paper trying to solve? 2. What are the main contributions of the paper? 3. Do you think the paper achieved these contributions? 4. What questions do you have / what didn't you quite get? 5. Did you find the paper easy to understand? If so, what parts did you find particularly clear? If not, why not? 6. What are some directions of follow-up work from this paper? --- Bonus Questions --- Below are some questions that you are welcome to answer, but will not be evaluated on answering. What are its technical weaknesses / what would you have done differently? Are there any interesting connections to your own research agendas? (The assignment in Canvas may have additional bonus questions)